Okay, the truth is; most (if not all) of you have seen hundreds of photos from our wedding, therefore a blog about it may seem a little redundant. That being said, I'm going to write one anyways, just for the sake of writing one! :-D Perhaps when our little future nuggets (children) get older, they will appreciate my efforts. Besides, if I don't jot this down now, years from now I will not remember all of these wonderful details. I mean, aside from our wedding, video, pictures, all the little keepsakes that I've packed away, I wanted one more thing to commemorate our *special day*.
For those of you who are "over" the whole Scott and Sabrina wedding, spare me this blog (and the next) because I am not. :-P <-yes, that's a smiley sticking it's tongue out. One week prior to our wedding; May 29, 2010, I flew up to Ohio to take care of all of the last minute wedding details. Scott's parents; Sir Billington and Connie, picked me up from Akron, OH airport. I stayed with them the first night and hung out with them at the cottage the following day.
I thoroughly enjoyed my spending quality time with my then future in laws. I assisted (a little) Sir Billington with his incredible garden; he told me about his favorite hoe (haha) and I felt honored to be in his company. I've heard many stories from Scott about his summers at the cottage and I've also reaped the benefits of all of Bills hard work 2 summers prior.-Scott and I drove to Ohio and stayed at the cottage for a couple of days and the garden was in full bloom; we ate very well. I also picked strawberries with my then future mother in law- they had a huge row of strawberry patches.
After being out in the garden, I reconnected with all of our wedding details. For those of you who do not know, Scott and I had a very long engagement; 610 days to be exact-that's 1 year, 8 months, 2 days. During our long engagement, I frequently visited the post office with large boxes addressed to Ohio. I sent all of our wedding things up there, even my dress. There were some boxes there filled with stuff that I had not seen in over 9 months. There were also a couple of boxes of things I ordered online and shipped directly to there. YAY! wedding!
My maid of honor, Andrea, met me in Ohio the following day. I'm very thankful that I was able to spend quality time with my then future in laws and I am as equally thankful for Andrea-words cannot express the gratitude I have for her.
Here are some photos from the week of our wedding.
4 days before the wedding, Emily, (another one of my bridesmaids) flew in from Texas. We picked her up in Detriot and decided to make a detour to 2 famous hot dog joints.
That same day, Scott and my brother Derek also came in from Texas, but they drove instead. I wish I had a picture of them but I didn't capture that moment. :-/
The following morning Andrea, Scott, and I headed to Huron County Courthouse, Norwalk, OH and got married! -well, our marriage license.
Once everyone started coming in for the wedding, the pace of things went from steady to uncontrollablly fast! Regardless if we were ready or not, the wedding was just days away!
Friday was our rehearsal and the stopping point for any last minute projects. Everyone that was in our bridal party arrived either via plane or car. Our rehearsal took place at St. Paul Catholic Church, Norwalk, OH and our rehearsal dinner was a casual dinner hosted by Mrs. Connie, at the family cottage in Huron, OH.
She did a lovely job putting together the table setting. She also made homemade cloth placemats a day before, annnd her and Bill made a couple of homemade strawberry pies (strawberries were from the their strawberry patch).

the ribbons from showers. Made by Andrea (of course)

for $25 but they played a big part in me later falling down the stairs

Doug, Justin, Kyle, and Scott. I was inside hanging out with the parents and
Carly and Andrea were keeping me company.

ME, and my niece Anna, 3 months old

my pink "Mrs. Young" Flask

argyle socks, and a beer bottle opener.
sheep eye mask; a big ring key chain; make up bags;
loofahs (they're super nice ones); lotion;
all inside a large silk tote. I think that's all?

I've fallen down our stairs a handful of times, but this particular fall, was worse than my usual "trip" (if you will) down the stairs.
Being the sweetheart that Scott is, he agreed to let us exchange the wedding presents we got each other a day early. -That was something I initially wanted to do from the get go, but Scott wanted to be traditional and exchange gifts on wedding day. Being as that I fell down the stairs, he wanted to cheer me up- and it worked! :-)
Scott opened his gift(s) first. Being the sentimental person that I am, "standard" groom's gifts such as, watches, cuff links, cologne, and things of that nature, weren't suiting for what I wanted to give Scott. Instead of going the standard route, I of course had to be complex/original. I did a sequeance of gifts that were presented to him in 3 different boxes labeled; past, present, future. Each box contained a quote and gifts that pertained the label.
The first box Scott opened was "Past". The past box contained 2 gifts and one of my favorite quotes:
Scott opened his gift(s) first. Being the sentimental person that I am, "standard" groom's gifts such as, watches, cuff links, cologne, and things of that nature, weren't suiting for what I wanted to give Scott. Instead of going the standard route, I of course had to be complex/original. I did a sequeance of gifts that were presented to him in 3 different boxes labeled; past, present, future. Each box contained a quote and gifts that pertained the label.
The first box Scott opened was "Past". The past box contained 2 gifts and one of my favorite quotes:
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
-Maria Robinson
Past box
1st gift was my lucky $2 bill framed. I also included a sweet note that explained the gift.
The 2nd gift in the Past box was concert tickets to Dave Matthew's Band (DMB).
but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
-Maria Robinson
I've had that $2 bill in my wallet for over 10 yrs and in my note I explained to Scott that marrying him made me the luckiest women therefore I no longer needed my $2 bill.
I of course wrote a note to explain that gift as well. According to Scott, DMB was deemed his "bad luck"concert. Supposedly, as legend has it, if Scott ever took a g/f to a DMB concert, they would eventually break up. Scott also considers the the month of September to be a bad luck month. lol Long story short, I got him concert tickets to DMB that play on September 11, 2010 -coincidentally a very bad luck day for the nation. My note basically stated that there wasn't anything we couldn't do together/overcome.
This box also contained a quote and gifts that all pertained to wedding day; the "standard" groom's gift box. It included: boxers that I labeled "Mr. Bina", cufflinks, a white paisley tie and handkerchief, and argyle socks.

The last gift Scott opened was the "Future"' box and it contained a quote and gifts pertaining to the future.
The 1st gift was a Colt McCoy jersey.

For those of you who do not know, Colt McCoy is the newly drafted QB for the Cleveland Browns. Colt McCoy was the QB for University of Texas and I told Scott that hopefully the new jersey would help allow him to be a Browns fan in TX. The jersey also represents the QB for the year we got married. Lastly it replaces the Brady Quinn jersey that I gave him for our 1 year anniversary. lol

His last gift was a shirt that I designed for him.
Following Scott's gift opening was his present to me. :-) He also wrote me a beautiful 1 1/2 page letter. It was written on handmade paper, about half the size of a legal document. It was really sweet and brought tears to my eyes-well, just to my eyes, but I didn't cry. I was on the verge of tears and then I heard Scott's mom say "She's going to cry" and that just made me look up and laugh.
I was excited to see what Scott got me-if you couldn't tell.
here's more proof of my excitement.
gorgeous necklace Scott designed for me.
it's a pearl/diamond pendant.
These pictures honestly do not do the necklace justice, but they're sadly all I have.
There's 2 diamonds aligned with a pearl just beneath them, and then tiny diamonds that swirl around them.
Scott's "staple" shirt that all of his close friends know him for having/loving is his "Vote for George Wilson" shirt that he got a thrift store. I essentially tried (with success) to recreate his favorite shirt by making this one only inclusive to myself! lol It's not replacing his shirt, but more so a humorous representation (and addition) of a new chapter/shirt.
Following Scott's gift opening was his present to me. :-) He also wrote me a beautiful 1 1/2 page letter. It was written on handmade paper, about half the size of a legal document. It was really sweet and brought tears to my eyes-well, just to my eyes, but I didn't cry. I was on the verge of tears and then I heard Scott's mom say "She's going to cry" and that just made me look up and laugh.

There's 2 diamonds aligned with a pearl just beneath them, and then tiny diamonds that swirl around them.
Aye, this has become quite possibly the longest blog I've every written- Perhaps this is the reason why it's taking me this long to post it. Stay tuned for our wedding blog and following that blog will be blogs about us, our house, and your (being whoever reads these) favorite subject; Porkchop and Penelope.