Sunday, September 30, 2012

Peyton's Nursery

Made some updates to Peyton's nursery and I absolutely LOVE it. If Scott and I have a girl in the future, this will be her furniture. But since we bought it before knowing the gender, we tried to make his nursery as boyish as possible. Connie and I even made his cribset bc I couldn't find anything to boyish to match his furniture. We bought his furniture from Lone star baby, glider from amazon, curtains and brown rug from IKEA. His bookshelves are actually photo ledges from ikea. The wooden letters on the wall, I got from hobby lobby (less than $5) and painted them. My friend Katie got Peyton the 3 owls above his crib and the wooden name blocks on the hutch. His room is filled with lots of love and couldn't be more perfect!

On a non nursery related note. I found this picture of myself from the grapevine fest several years ago. I noticed a striking resemblance to one of Peyton:


Thursday, September 6, 2012

6 months and counting

Ok, here is where I say "I cannot believe my baby is 6 months old"! Despite saying that was cliche in my last blog, I really cannot believe it. I guess it's because he is doing AND saying so much more.

My baby boy turned 6 months old on August 21st. There are no words to express my love for this guy. I love him more and more each day and I truly cherish every moment of being a mother. Scott has often heard me say to Peyton; "I've never loved anything like I love you". The first time he heard me say this, he thought I was stating that I loved Peyton more. <-that's not true, my love for Peyton is just different. It's indescribable!

Here's a look at what Peyton is doing at 6 months:
  • He army crawls 
  • Sits up on his own for a month now 
  • Says "mamamamama" and softly whispers "dada" but these are more sounds than they are recognition of words. 
  • babbling and screeching
  • more giggly, but he makes you work for those giggles (tough crowd)
  •  He Looooves our dog Porkchop 
  • Loves the water 
  •  Anything that makes him feel like a 'big boy' is a sure smile on his face 
  • He isn't too fond of long drives, but he is capable of entertaining himself in the car longer
  • walking around his walk around activity center.

He's fixing computers for Blue Door Networks

Seriously! How can you not LOVE that face! 

Things people say to me about Peyton:

  • "I just want to eat him up"
  • "look at those cheeks"
  • "he has such a deep voice"
    AND the #1 thing people say is- "He looks JUST like you Sabrina!"
Most amazing 6 months of my life!