Wow, what an incredible year! I think instead of talking about Peyton, I'm going to reserve the first part of the blog for me(which includes Peyton).
Through the blood sweat and tears, I managed to nurse an entire year! If you knew how difficult nursing was for me in the beginning, and again when Peyton starting getting teeth, you'd know that this was a huge accomplishment. I managed to nurse 12 months without supplementing a single ounce! Also, during the most challenging/rewarding time of our life, Scott and I grew stronger as a couple. I really think having a baby can do many things to a relationship, but I'm proud to say that we're stronger than ever.
Now on to my TODDLER!
It's hard to believe that my little guy was ever this little:
At 1 year Peyton is WALKING everywhere. He started walking around 11 months and has just taken off. He has crawled for 5 months, but it's like crawling is a distant past (even though it was less than a month ago). I've really enjoyed all milestones and really have embraced every single moment of his first year. Peyton also said his frist phrase "all done". We've been doing sign language with him to help communicate and "all done" is one of our signs.
Peyton's birthday celebration started the weekend before his birthday. His Grandpa D (aka my dad) came up the weekend before his party to help me prep for it. My dad got him his first tricycle, a royal blue Schwin. It's a gorgeous tricycle and sets the bar for Peyton's next set of wheels.
Scott's mom flew in a week early to celebrate! AND 2 days prior to Peyton's birthday party and on his actual birthday, my best friend Andrea flew in with her daughter Olivia. Peyton was very loved on his special day.
Peyton's actual Birthday was on a Thursday. We picked Andrea and Olivia up from the airport and decided to take them to a fancy dinner at Chuck e Cheeses. They had a blast and Peyton had his first piece of cake.
Peyton and Olivia had a romantic dinner |
Followed by a drive through movie. Peyton protecting Olivia on a ride. |
It was super cute seeing them walk around Chuck e Cheeses. I don't think they're quite old enough to fully enjoy it, but overall I think it was a fun way to celebrate Peyton's actual birthday.
The following day we continued the celebrations and loaded the babies tots in the car to drive out to Grand Prairie to see ELMO LIVE! Some might think this is a bit much for a 1 year old's birthday, but my dear friend and her little girl who I rarely get to see were visiting and I wanted it to be special for them as well! Elmo was entertaining for about 45 mins, which is impressive for this age. We left the show a bit early prior to epic meltdowns and ended up having lunch at an In n Out burger.
Peyton picking a good one |
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Grammy and Peyton watching the show. |
The following day was Peyton's PAR-TAY! What a special day filled with lots of love. Lots of family and friends came to celebrate our baby boy's birthday and we couldn't be more thankful for everyone that took time out of their schedule to celebrate him.
Brian, Amy and their kiddos, Maya and Mason |
Party favors |
Mimi and Peyton |
Papa and Peyton |
Peyton's cake |
Us with Andrea and Olivia |
Sweet Peyton |