On a lighter note, I got the tiffany blue cover stock that I ordered online and have started on the invitations!! Everyone say "YAY"!!!
I've made 8 pocketfold invitations w/o the details and ribbon. I have also been working on the tiny paper cranes as well and I think I'm going to start every blog from here on out with a crane count. Crane count right now is 50, only 950 more to go! Recently I've attended 2 bridal shows so far with 2 of my friends who are also engaged (one with Natalie and one with Andrea). The last one I went to was a blast. I won a cute bridal shirt, crystal flute glasses and got lots of other fun cute stuff. I'm going to have to look for one in OH and drag Scott's mom and Aunt to one.
Scott has been working like crazy the last couple of weeks. This past week he has had training. I feel for him because he will have class for 10 plus hours and come home to work. Hopefully once he has gotten the hang of things he won't have to work as much.
We've also been going to mass every Sunday for the last 2 plus months. Yes, we are very proud of ourselves! :-D I was supposed to start RCIA before Christmas but it didn't follow through as planned, I need to arrange for that to happen and schedule our marriage classes. I will probably wait until Scott feels a little more comfortable with his position and there's more consistency.
I think my cold is getting to me, so this may be my shortest blog. As I promised, I will conclude this with pictures!
From top left to bottom 1) Porkchop with his bone, 2) Scott and Porkchop napping after church, 3) Porkchop laying on the little doggie bed I made him.
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