On Friday, Porkchop and I spent the better part of the day at Petco, where he got groomed. This took approximately 3-4hours! I wasn't anticipating it taking that long so I tried to stay in the area. While Porkchop was getting groomed, I decided to run some errands which mainly consisted of shopping and trying to find Porkchop a superman costume. I didn't really do much shopping, I was just determined to find him a superman outfit; don't ask me why but when I'm determined to do something, I find a way to make it happen. After 4 hours and 5 stores later (duration was due to the grooming) Porkchop returned home as SuperPorkchop!
I'm really glad I was able to find a superman costume because I would have spent another hour making him one. Unfortunately the only costume they had was a tad bit too big so I did make a few alterations to it. lol Am I being cruel to Porkers? I think it's super cute! Maybe I'll be wonder woman for Halloween and Scott and can go as our villain. j/k The alterations turned out good. Porkchop can actually walk in the costume, and he no longer tries to eat his cape.
Scott's friend Mike, who is a Superman lover, will be coming into town and staying with us on Monday. Scott has informed me that Mike is not a huge fan of animals, this is my attempt to make him automatically love Porkchop. He will not be introduced to Porkchop but SuperPorkchop!
Porkchop is getting better about his potty training, or we are getting better about taking him out. We have already gone through a bottle of carpet cleaner and a load of towels. I hope he continues to improve. We give him little treats when he goes outside. Scott is also trying to train him to sit and lay, but true to his name, when he smells his treats he just focuses on how to get them, rather than on how to earn it.
Other than that, today is our 1 year anniversary! yay!! Scott got a $50 gift certificate to Ruth's Chris from American Express, which means, we will be going there tonight! Neither of us have ever been and we are both pretty excited. :-) I will definitely write a blog about that and post pictures of ever dish...is that tacky? lol Oh, well I like looking for ways to embarrass Scott.
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