Last week Scott's company had a yearly get together. Scott's friend Mike flew in on Monday and stayed with us until Thursday. The guys worked all week long on gutting 3 out of 7 Microsoft Across America trucks. On Monday, they had a 
company picnic and Scott invited me. It was nice meeting all of his co-workers and finally being able to see what Scott does at work. All of his co-workers were super nice and informed me how much Scott talks about me. I enjoyed being praised from people I've never met before. :-) One of the trucks was equipped with Microsoft's new Surface PC; Scott demonstrated how it worked. It was a touch table top PC, similar to an iphone but on a larger, 20x better scale. The week was pretty chaotic with the guys working roughly 16 hours every day. I felt bad for the guys so I baked them some cupcakes and made them some Korean food to bring to everyone at work. Because we planned on going to Ohio that weekend, I picked up extra shifts after school. Once Thursday, came we were both exhausted but were still looking forward to our weekend in Ohio.
On Friday, Scott and I took the early morning flight to Detroit. From Detroit we drove to Toledo, Huron, and Bowling Green, Ohio. We first went to Toledo to re-visit the University Scott graduated
from, Toledo University. He showed me around campus, the dorm, and house he used to live in, and the tech building where he spent the majority of his time at. It was really nice seeing where Scott spent his college years and hearing the stories he had.
From Toledo we went to Scott's family cottage in Huron. We went to Huron to meet his parents for dinner and Scott's grandma asked him to package a TV she had at the cottage. We reached the cottage around 5'ish and the first thing I noticed was that a sun dress probably wasn't the greatest idea; it was chilly. After Scott packed up the TV, he wanted to go outside and take a walk by the lake. I grabbed a blanket from the cottage and followed.

Once we got outside, I had a change of heart. I was freezing my tush off; if my goose bumps weren't enough of an indication, my teeth chattering were. Scott insisted we go down and helped keep me warm. The view was breath taking and once we stopped walking I told Scott that "we should get married here." He replied "we would need to be engaged first" and my response was a huge hug and an "I knooooow." He then told me he had been meaning to talk to me about that. He began to bend down and with out much thought I tried to help him back up. Before I knew it, he was on one knee with a jewelry box in one hand. He nervously told me how much he loved me and asked me to marry him. I'm not sure why it hadn't registered in my head but I initially
just stood there looking dazed. Once I realized what just happened, I was consumed with emotions and began crying. I gave
Scott the biggest hug and told him I loved him soo much. Scott then reminded me that I hadn't answered him nor did I put on the ring. lol I responded with YES and allowed him to put the ring on my ring finger. At this point I was a mascara, crying mess. Scott informed me the ring was a family heirloom and had belonged to his great grandmother, which made me cry more. I felt so blessed, honored, and loved that much more.
I decided that reapplying make up would be a wasted effort. We
met up with Scott's parents at one of Scott's favorite childhood restaurants. I was excited to see his parents and celebrate the news! His mom was so happy for us and his dad gave me a little history on the ring. I'm really glad Scott planned everything the way he did because it was nice being able to share our excitement with his parents and my future in laws :-) .
After dinner, Scott and I drove to Bowling Green and met up
with his friends. We stayed the
weekend with his friend Wendy. All of his friends seemed to be super happy for us and congratulated us on our engagement. For the entire weekend they referred to Scott as my future husband or fiance which sounded a little weird at first but not in a bad way. It's definitely something we both have to get used to, having a fiance.
We haven't set a date yet but we plan to wed sometime in spring 2010 and in Scott's hometown, Norwalk, OH. We decided to wait a little while to save some money and because Scott has 2 close friends who are getting married next year. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on what's to come. I did buy my first bridal magazine for our flight home. :-D I'm excited to be the future Mrs. Sabrina Marie Young and can't stop looking at my left ring finger.