Okay, my header is kind of lame…I’ll spice it up in the next blog. Last weekend Scott was working a event in Nevada. Porkchop and I held down the fort at home. I have been really good about not allowing him to sleep in our bed because I don’t want him to be a bed dog….buuut even with my fort of pillows I felt lonesome. It’s really funny that I’m like this now because just 2 months ago Scott and I were both consistently traveling and gone for up to 2-4 and sometimes even 5 days out of the week. I got by just fine. Maybe it’s because before I would be at a hotel or because I had my own apartment. Whatever the case, I sure miss him when he is gone. Especially when Porkers is going bananas.
There’s nothing too exciting to blog about. Today is my first day off since the beginning of this month!!! :-) Okay, that’s not really exciting news but it’s awesome for me! hehe It’s funny, since I started writing these blogs I sometimes go through daily activities thinking of things that I can write. Like if I hear or do something funny I’m like “ooooh, I should write that down”. lol Who does that? I don’t know… Oh, but I did have word vomit the other day. I’m pretty goofy and often I don’t really put much thought into what I say. I just say things that are funny to me but realize after nobody laughs, my comment may have not been that funny. I then feel awkward and feel the need to justify my statement.
At work the other day, I had a lady drink probably a galloon of tea. I think I filled up 3 carafes of tea for her. As I dropped off the check I was like “I’ll take care of this whenever you are ready and the restrooms are in the back”. I was joking and not insinuating anything but she didn’t laugh. I then realized what I said and how offensive it was. aghhh Talk about sticking my foot in my mouth. I have actually done that before on a flight. A passenger came to the front of the plane before take off to ask me if she had enough time to go to the bathroom in the terminal and I quickly responded “if you’re going number 1 yes and if your going number 2, no”. she stared at me for a split second and darted off. I then heard the pilots laughing and turned to look at them just to have them say. “I can’t believe you just said that”. lol and then of course it dawned on me what I had just said…lol I’m definitely not the most PC person.
Domino and Emily stopped by on Monday for a little bit. Porkchop and Domino absolutely love each other which is awesome. They are the cutest things to watch when they get together. Even though Porkchop and Domino are the same age, Domino is taller and has the ability to jump on the couch. Poor Porkchop tries really hard, especially when he sees Domino do it with such ease, but his legs are just too short. Porkchop is training right now and has already mastered sitting, I uploaded a video of his performance. I’m now trying to teach him to shake. He hasn’t done it on his own yet but he has stopped gnawing at my hand when I reach for his paw. Hopefully by next week he’ll be able to shake. Maybe I should say “ it’s so nice to meet you Mr. Porkchop” and see if he’ll do it on his own.
I changed the page up a little. I think the last color was a little too dark. I also have some pictures of Porkchop. He is getting bigger which saddens me. He has grown into this little blue polo and pretty soon I think it will be too small for him. :-(
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